Mainzer Forum Medienrecht: The Making of Constitutions
Framing the EU Constitution - Can Lessons be Learnt from the U.S.?
A comparative Legal Debate focusing on Freedom of the Media
The “Constitution of the European Union” is a very current und much discussed topic. Although in Europe the time for framing of new constitutions seems long gone, the approach chosen by the enlarging and closer growing EU renews interest in how a constitution should be framed.
We want to add a different perspective to the debate by inviting two American scholars to share their observations on the current development steering towards a EU constitution.
It will be especially interesting to focus on “Freedom of the Media” as one of the basic rights with special significance in the democracies of the U.S. and Europe. The debate will allow a broad comparative view on an important moment of history.
Die Veranstaltung hat am 23. April 2004 stattgefunden.
Einführung: The Constitution of the European Union and Freedom of the Media
Mark D. Cole
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Mainzer Medieninstitut
Diskussion (in englisch)
Professor Russell L. Weaver
Professor of Law and Distinguished University Scholar,
Louis D. Brandeis School of Law, Louisville , USA
Professor Ronald J. Krotoszynski, Jr.
Professor of Law, Washington and Lee University School of Law, Lexington, USA
Professor Dr. Dieter Dörr
Direktor des Mainzer Medieninstituts,
Universitätsprofessor am Fachbereich Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Mark D. Cole