Mainzer Forum Medienrecht: Regulating Indecent Broadcasts
Mainzer Forum Medienrecht: Regulating Indecent Broadcasts
U.S. Media Law is currently of notable interest to German law students, academics and practitioners. From a comparative legal view, it is intriguing to compare approaches in broadcasting regulation and its relation with reactions to free speech incidents. Conservative trends in U.S. politics have produced increased demand among the general population and in the U.S. Congress for regulating indecent broadcasts. But many of the new regulations seem to restrict freedom of speech. How can this tension be resolved within the U.S. system, and what are comparisons to the German system?
The speaker of this Mainz Media Forum will be Dean Matthew Spitzer, a distinguished authority in this field from the University of Southern California . Among his many accolades are academic research and publications in broadcasting regulation.
The presentation will be followed by an introduction to prospects of obtaining a LL.M. degree with the prestigious University of Southern California . This presentation is for students who are interested in acquiring further information regarding this opportunity as well as those who wish to familiarize themselves with the curriculum of the program offered by the University of Southern California . A reception will follow with opportunities for question and answer.
Die Veranstaltung hat am 15. Juni 2005 in Englisch stattgefunden.
Professor Matthew L. Spitzer
Dean and Carl Mason Franklin Professor of Law and Professor of Political Science, University of Southern California Law School, Los Angeles (USA)
followed by discussion
LL.M. Program for Foreign LawyersUniversity of Southern California Law School, Los Angeles ( USA )
followed by reception in the "Kasematten" (cellar of building "Recht und Wirtschaft I")